Dictionary of Military Terms by Richard Bowyer
Book Description
Ideal for anyone learning English for military purposes, foreign
nationals working with English- speaking military personnel, and
civilian professionals working with military accounts, this reference
provides up-to-date definitions of more than 6,000 American, British,
and international military terms. Topics include tactics, weapons,
commands, machinery, military personnel, maneuvers, and geographical
No. of Definitions: 170,865 Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) was the foremost
English language dictionary of its time. It had been revised and
unabridged from its predecessors since the first publication of the Compendious Dictionary of the English Language in 1806 by Noah Webster (1758-1843), American lexicographer, spelling reformer and editor.
Simon Collin “Dictionary of Computing" Bloomsbury Reference | 2004-10-28 | ISBN-10: 1904970001 | PDF | 384 pages | 5 Mb The more than 10,000 entries in this computer reference provide comprehensive coverage of computer terms, including those related to hardware and software applications, programming languages, networks and communications, the Internet, and e-commerce. Quotations from computer magazines and newspapers offer examples of usage in this updated edition.
“Easier English Basic Dictionary"
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 2004-03-15 | ISBN: 0747566445 | PDF | 384 pages | 5,5 Mb
The Easier English Basic Dictionary is designed especially for elementary and pre-intermediate students of English. It includes the basic vocabulary needed to understand and study written and spoken English at this level, and is particularly useful for students taking the Preliminary English Test (PET) and the Key English Test (KET) exams.