Added by: oxa26 | Karma: 260.58 | Black Hole | 28 November 2009
A fully illustrated month-by-month guide to the development and care of your baby from birth to 24 months, this innovative book walks moms through the early years of development when babies develop rapidly and have changing needs that parents need to respond to quickly.
Muscular Development provides scientific information on sports, nutrition & training- written by doctors & specialists in the field. Each issue is packed with info on training regimens & nutritional supplements that will help you build a stronger, healthier body & perform at your best.
The Developing Child is a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the ages and stages of child development. It focuses on observation and scientific approach. Expert Advice tips are located throughout. Key components of child development are stressed with Developing Brain and Learning Through Play features, and activities. Safe Child/Healthy Child reminders with activities are also found in the text. Point-of-use academic integration and correlation (Science, Math, English Language Arts) is provided throughout. Reading Age: Middle School/High School students
The best survey of the subject available, The Handbook of Child Language brings together the world's foremost researchers to provide a one-stop resource for the study of language acquisition and development. Grouped into five thematic sections, the Handbook is organised by topic, making it easier for students and researchers to use when looking up specific in-depth information. It covers a wider range of subjects than any other handbook on the market
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Fiction literature | 9 October 2009
The book "You Have Been Disconnected" is well written and easy to follow. Rida Allen has created a delightful romantic story that takes a look at the virtual world that we all live in today. Ms. Allen's use of conversations through email and instant messaging in the story is totally realistic. The development of the main character Phil was extremely well done. It takes the reader from looking at the life of a recluse, to the life of an open and lovable person.