How Caregiving Affects Childhood Development: Psychological Implications For Child, Adolescent, And Adult Caregivers
Offering a new and exciting look at often overlooked family caregivers, this title introduces a set of challenging questions that will guide future research in the field. Within the context of the caregiver's life the chapter authors examine how the role of caregiver affects their development.
In this book, successful organizations—including well-known companies such as GE Capital, Hewlett Packard, MIT, Motorola, and others—share their most effective approaches, tools, and specific methods for leadership development and organizational change.
Vexillology, or the study of flags is a fascinating and ever-changing subject. The Complete Flags of the World presents a detailed and compelling overview of the history behind the development of world flags. Each national flag is fully described with text and annotations that describe its history, the development of its design, the significance of colors, symbols, and crests. Even the smallest countries are given a full page, and the story of each flag is analyzed consistently to make comparisons simple.
Developing a Dream Destination is an interpretive history of tourism and tourism policy development in Hawai`i from the 1960s to the twenty-first century. Part 1 looks at the many changes in tourism since statehood (1959) and tourism's imprint on Hawai`i. Part 2 reviews the development of public policy toward tourism, beginning with a story of the planning process that started around 1970--a full decade before the first comprehensive State Tourism Plan was crafted and implemented.
Obesity has become a common metabolic disease throughout the world. The second edition of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health in Early Life analyzes longitudinal and cross-sectional data on the dietary, development, environmental, and functional factors influencing the growth and development of humans in early life stages. New chapters address the role of genetic factors as well as the prevention, consequences, and treatment of obesity.