Language, cognition, and memory are traditionally studied together prior to a researcher specializing in any one area. They are studied together initially because much of the development of one can affect the development of the others. Most books available now either tend to be extremely broad in the areas of all infant development including physical and social development, or specialize in cognitive development, language acquisition, or memory. Rarely do you find all three together, despite the fact that they all relate to each other.
The Struggle over Land in Africa: Conflicts, Politics & ChangeSome of the themes explored in this powerful volume include: Ethnic and indigenous land conflicts, Traditionalism versus modernity, renewed land interests, land use and conflict, state building, politics and land (for example Agricultural land reform); land policy development, planning, inclusiveness/non-inclusiveness; regional scopes of land conflicts and changing norms.
"Cultivating Creativity in Babies, Toddlers and Young Children" shows how each of us can promote creativity in children. It explores the journey children take in developing their creativity, and helps child care students and practitioners to nurture creativity in babies, toddlers and young children. Written by a leading expert in an integrated approach to early childhood development and learning, "Cultivating Creativity" links theory and practice to provide a clear framework for this difficult, but vital, aspect of development and learning.
In this short, clearly written book, Thornton synthesizes literature in post-Piagetian research to consider the development of children's problem solving capacities. She suggests that there are multiple variables that contribute to the ease with which children solve problems and the sophistication of the strategies they employ. (Harvard Educational Review )
Bridging the gap between heavy theory and heavy practice, Organization Development provides an emphasis on performance and results in addition to an overview of tools, techniques, and processes. Covering basic steps such as marketing, start-up, planning, and evaluation, the book includes a comprehensive discussion of implementation from the individual level to the global. The book gives consultants, managers, and students of the field a holistic perspective into the full range of values that organization development has to offer.