Brian Richards examines variation in children's early language development, with special emphasis on the auxiliary verb. He identifies significant variation both in the age and in the stage of emergence of auxiliaries, and in the rate, style and sequence of subsequent development. He relates some of these aspects to a tendency to acquire the auxiliary holistically, and others to the quality of interaction with the child's partners in conversation. This book will be valuable to all those interested in language acquisition, whether linguists, psychologists, or speech therapists.
The first in a three-volume set, Young Mathematicians at Work focuses on young children between the ages of four and eight as they construct a deep understanding of number and the operations of addition and subtraction. This is a must read for any k-2 teacher. Primarily focused on K-2 teachers this book offers a direct and explicit document to base investigative math. It also gives clear research into the development of young mathematicians (the why). It is a short and concise book that gives you the framework to change your mind-set on teaching math.
Understanding Attachment: Parenting, Child Care, and Emotional Development
"Clear, concise and engaging, Jean Mercer's Understanding Attachment is a trustworthy guide for any reader who wants to learn about what the author calls the most important way of thinking of emotional development. Mercer goes back more than a century to describe psychoanalysts' and ethologists' contributions to understanding infants' intense relationships to their caregivers…
In this classic collection, some of the world's most eminent critics of development review the key concepts of the development discourse. Each essay examines one concept from a historical and anthropological point of view and highlights its particular bias. Exposing their historical obsolescence and intellectual sterility, the authors call for a bidding farewell to the whole Eurocentric development idea. This is urgently needed, they argue, in order to liberate people's minds for bold responses to the environmental and ethical challenges now confronting humanity.
From analysis of the mass media, Dr. Brasch develops a major new theory to explain the historical development of Black English, and to present a hypothesis that may explain historical development of genre...