Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke
Traditionally, there have been two strands in the analysis of poverty, inequality and development - a micro strand that focuses on individual behavior, welfare economics and the measurement of inequality and poverty; and a macro strand that analyzes economy-wide policies and the role of institutions. This unique volume brings together both strands in a series of essays written by leading experts in the field of economic development. Topics include measurement issues, micro-behavior determinants of poverty outcomes, economy-wide models in the SAM-CGE tradition and the institutional framework underlying macro policies.
World Family – Zippy and me! Active Learning vs. Passive Exposure: What Parents and Caregivers Should Know There’s been a lot in the news about babies and children watching TV, movies, and videos. You’ve probably noticed that there’s a new wave of movies and videos geared specifically to babies. Keep in mind that there’s a big difference between actively engaging your child in a learning experience and simply exposing them to it. There are a lot of great video programs on the market for babies and children.
Enhancing Early Child Development: A Handbook for Clinicians
Early childhood development refers to the skills that children acquire within their first five years of life, which lay the foundation for future learning. Children need care and support to stimulate their growth and healthy development. The stimulation of language, understanding, personal, social and motor skills of the child are important at an early age and it is one of the primary physicians’ responsibilities to give proper advice to parents on how to promote their children’s physical and mental development.
The Development of Children and Adolescents: An Applied Perspective
The Development of Children and Adolescents 1e provides an integrated view of child development by presenting the most pertinent research for each developmental stage and linking this to the practical applications in the areas of parenting, policy and practice. This balanced approach emphasizes the relationship between research, theory and applications.