The greatest pleasure of “From a Cause to a Style” lies simply in listening to Glazer think as he walks us about his native New York, with occasional diversions to other locales like Boston or the Washington Mall. His intelligence fairly radiates from the page, and his prose is a pleasure to read — clear, supple and frequently droll. His descriptions of the hysteria that engulfed British architects when Prince Charles dared to criticize their work are priceless.
By focusing on forty works from the Metropolitan’s collection, this educator’s resource kit presents the rich and diverse artistic heritage of sub-Saharan Africa. Included are a brief introduction and history of the continent, an explanation of the role of visual expression in Africa, descriptions of the form and function of the works, lesson plans, class activities, map, bibliography, and glossary.
Added by: withdrawn | Karma: 115.62 | Fiction literature | 4 January 2011
Faces in Time: A Time Travel Thriller
"Faces in Time was an adventurous, fast paced, time traveling novel...loved the twists and turns...Lewis writes beautifully, his work is filled with great detailed descriptions...a great adventure. I haven't seen anything out like it."
Shaolin Secret Formulas for the Treatment of External Injury
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Non-Fiction, Medicine | 10 November 2010
Shaolin Secret Formulas for the Treatment of External Injury
This book is translated from a manuscript copied by a student of the Abbot of Shaolin Monastery. Part of the monastic lineage of 'fall & strike' medicine, this book presents hundreds of treatments for a wide variety of external or martial arts injuries as well as preventive training formulas. Back by popular demand, this is the second edition of this title which now includes a full symptom index, easier to use formula descriptions, and Pinyin as well as Latin herbal descriptions.
The College Blue Book has been a standard, professional reference on higher education since it was first published in 1923. New features have been added during the intervening years to keep pace with the changing needs for information about our educational facilities. The information, especially in the areas of tuition, room and board, enrollment figures, library holdings, is constantly changing.
Volume 1: Narrative Descriptions - Nearly 4,200 colleges in the United States and Canada are fully described.