This volume, which emerged from a workshop at the New Reflections on Grammaticalization 4 conference held at KU Leuven in July 2008, contains a collection of papers which investigate the relationship between synchronic gradience and the apparent gradualness of linguistic change, largely from the perspective of grammaticalization. In addition to versions of the papers presented at the workshop, the volume contains specially commissioned contributions, some of which offer commentaries on a subset of the other articles.
This volume contains papers on general issues of language change, as well as specific studies of non-Germanic languages, including Romance, Slavonic, Japanese, Australian languages, and early Indo-European. A second volume, edited by Richard M. Hogg and Linda van Bergen, contains papers on Germanic.
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Discover Magazine gives its readers the real story: on-the-scene photography, highly personal portrait shots, and cutting edge scientific imagery. The design is elegant and refined--not dry like a textbook, not glossy and remote like a travel guide. Every issue contains a balance of big-idea, text driven stories and more image-rich features that convey the feel of where and how the most amazing research happens.