Monet and the Impressionists for Kids: Their Lives and Ideas, 21 Activities (For Kids series)
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Kids, Non-Fiction | 11 October 2008
A lifelong love of art is one of the greatest gifts an adult can bestow on a child—and no period of art is better loved or more available to children than Impressionism. Monet and the Impressionists for Kids invites children to delight in Cassatt’s mothers and children, Renoir’s dancing couples, and Gaugin’s island scenes; 21 activities explore Monet’s quick shimmering brush strokes, Cezanne’s brilliant rectangles of color, Seurat’s pointillism, and Degas’ sculpture-like circles of dancers. Kids will learn how the artists’ friendships sustained them through repeated rejection by the Parisian art world, and how they lived, painted, and thrilled to the vibrant life of Paris at the approach of the 20th century. A resource section guides readers to important museums and Web sites around the world.
Mention "special needs children", and most people think of students struggling to overcome learning and physical disabilities as well as problem behaviors that interfere with achieving full academic potential. But there is a hidden population of special needs children – the gifted and talented – and their teachers, parents, and other professionals are often not well equipped to respond to their unique academic and developmental needs.
Recognizing the different levels and kinds of giftedness, this book provides an insight into the challenges and benefits specific to gifted children with attention difficulties. Explaining why certain children are gifted and how giftedness is manifested, each chapter on a specific topic addresses the relevance for children with AD/HD, autism and Asperger Syndrome. Lovecky guides parents and professionals through methods of diagnosis and advises on how best to nurture individual needs, positive behavior and relationships at home and at school.
If you have a gifted child, know that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The chances are very good that you are gifted, too. If you truly have a need for the wonderful information in this book, I suspect you will have little difficulty absorbing the concepts that will help you help your child.
In this wide-reaching and comprehensive book the psychologist Martine F. Delfos provides practical guidance on the diagnosis, support and treatment of a variety of childhood behavioural problems, including anxiety problems, aggression, depression and ADHD. Presenting a useful and compelling model of the interplay of environment, disposition and central nervous system development, Delfos shows how differences in brain structure between the sexes may have a part to play in behavioural problems in children and adolescents. Children and Behavioural Problems is an essential resource for teachers, psychologists, social workers and other professionals working with children, as well as for parents seeking to support their children with special needs throughout their development.
Loners describes a unique group of solitary children who were unable to adapt to the social and educational demands of school life. Wolff discusses the nature and origins of their difficulties and compares them with autism, Asperger's syndrome and schizoid/schizotypal personality disorders. Wolff illustrates her study with case histories of children and adults over a twenty year period, as well as with discusssions of the apparent eccentricities of some exceptional people who catch the public eye. The book shows the necessity of the clinical recognition of the syndrome.