Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra is an honest math text that circumvents the traditional definition-theorem-proof format that has bored students in the past. Meyer uses a fresh approach to introduce a variety of problems and examples ranging from the elementary to the challenging and from simple applications to discovery problems. The focus on applications is a big difference between this book and others. Meyer's book is more rigorous and goes into more depth than some.
Graduate Texts in Mathematics: Model Theory: An Introduction
This book is a modern introduction to model theory which stresses applications to algebra throughout the text. The first half of the book includes classical material on model construction techniques, type spaces, prime models, saturated models, countable models, and indiscernibles and their applications. The author also includes an introduction to stability theory beginning with Morley's Categoricity Theorem and concentrating on omega-stable theories.
An in-depth examination of the cutting edge of biometrics This book fills a gap in the literature by detailing the recent advances and emerging theories, methods, and applications of biometric systems in a variety of infrastructures.
Calculus consists of the study of limits of various sorts and the systematic exploitation of the completeness axiom. It was developed by physicists and engineers over a period of several hundred years in order to solve problems from the physical sciences. It is the language by which precision and quantitative predictions for many complicated problems are obtained. It is used to find lengths of curves, areas and volumes of regions which are not bounded by straight lines. It is used to predict and account for the motion of satellites.
This text is appropriate for students from across the engineering and science disciplines. Topics include: Periodicity and Fourier series; The Fourier transform and its basic properties; Convolution and its applications; Distributions and their Fourier transforms; Sampling and interpolation; Linear systems; The discrete Fourier transform; Higher dimensional Fourier transforms and applications.