The Math Mysteries series was designed to encourage students to think like math detectives, using clues to solve problems. These four different types of activities are found in each book: story-based mysteries, activities that discover the mysteries found in mathematics, rhyming riddles, and "crack-the-code" problems. All activities are identified in the table of contents with the NCTM standards. Activities integrate problem-solving with numbers and operations and can be used in a variety of ways. The forty engaging activities can be assigned individually, in pairs, as small group assignments...
The legacy of Project A.R.I.S.E. (Arts Resources in Special Education), this handbook shares many years of invaluable experience, providing teachers and parents with a wealth of hands-on activities and proven techniques to stimulate learning and help students realize their full potential.
Each art form is introduced through detailed background information, six or more field-tested activities, a glossary, and a bibliography.
Arts forms included are: Dance and Movement, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts.
Oxford Basics is a new series of short accessible books for teachers who may be unfamiliar with communicative methodology.
The book contains 30 activities at elementary level all of them dealing with topics which form part of everybody's daily lives, for example families and leisure activities. The only materials the teacher and class need are the board, paper, and pens. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the authors have provided additional methodological support in a short introduction.
Project Communicative Activities Teacher’s Resource CD ROM is another component of the Project series. You can find here photocopiable activities for Project 1-4.
The CNN video news clip activities at the back of the student text are thematically related to each chapter. Activities are designed to recycle themes and vocabulary from each chapter, and to encourage further class discussion and written responses to these real life news iterms.
This video includes 14 chapters accompanied with student book.