This book contains thirty activities at elementary level, all of them dealing with topics which form part of everybody's daily lives , for example, families and leisure activities. The only materials the teacher and class need are the board, paper, and pens. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and the authors have provided additional methodological support in a short Introduction.
A complete and flexible four-skills course that offers personalized speaking on every page.
Smart Choice is the easy and effective way to teach English. Teach right off the page, add your own activities with ease, and expand your lessons with extra material, including customizable worksheets and free video.
Key features
Flexible. Each page is a self-contained lesson that ends with personalized speaking. With one skill per page and plenty of spots to add your own supplements, preparation is simple. Start anywhere in the unit and pick and choose activities as you go.
Effective. A balance of speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in every unit ensures your students have the language they need to communicate accurately and fluently.
Expandable. Add extra practice with the Workbook, Teacher's Book, Teacher's Resource Book with 'Click & Change CD-ROM,' and interactive activities and video on the Multi-ROM in the back of the Student Book.
Adaptable. Use the 'Click & Change CD-ROM' to bring Smart Choice into your students' world. Just modify the worksheets to create professional-quality photocopiables with the food, fashions, places, and pop stars your students want to talk about.
Fun. Personalization on every page lets students bring their own ideas to class. Information gaps, class surveys, and personality quizzes get students talking, laughing, and learning about each other - in English
The CNN video news clip activities at the back of the student text are thematically related to each chapter. Activities are designed to recycle themes and vocabulary from each chapter, and to encourage further class discussion and written responses to these real life news iterms.
This video includes 14 chapters accompanied with student book.
The CNN video news clip activities at the back of the student text are thematically related to each chapter. Activities are designed to recycle themes and vocabulary from each chapter, and to encourage further class discussion and written responses to these real life news iterms.
This video includes 14 chapters accompanied with student book.