Launch into Literacy is a structured five-book course for 6-11 year olds. THe course presents a range of texts for children to study as models for their own writing, and contextualized activities at text, sentence, and word level. It is ideally suited for use in literacy lessons with whole class and group activities. Book 3 offers ...
Playdancing: Discovering and Developing Creativity in Young Children
"Playdancing" is a creative movement programme developed to foster confidence, creativity, and problem-solving skills in children ages 3-8. The book is written primarily for teachers in the classroom and discusses the developmental stages of early childhood and the specific skills necessary for creativity to flourish. Lesson plans and examples are then outlined for each stage of development. Each activity listed includes an objective, materials needed, suggestions for working it into the curriculum, and a description. There are also activities designed to increase self-awareness and improve language ability and interpersonal skills. Although the book is geared toward educators, parents can easily adapt the lesson plans to create their own playdancing activities at home. The activities do not require experience with dance, just a desire to discover the creative potential for children.
"Ten Conversation Lessons with Stories,Vocabulary Practice, Questions and Activities" is a compilation for learning and teaching English conversation made by Farzad Sharifian of Edith Cowan University (Western Australia).
Each lesson starts with a very short, interesting story foollowed by Vocabulary Practice, Questions for Discussion, Activities and a Related Proverb.
Для тех, кому понравились предыдущие книги этой серии: Very Easy True Stories иTrue Stories in the News и Even More News!Would you believe -- ? - A woman invests in stocks and makes $22 million -- and then donates almost all of it to a university - A Japanese guard helps a prisoner of war survive World War II because of the shared love of an opera aria
Beyond True Stories continues and expands the True Stories tradition with eight thematic units, each bases on a real-life, human-interest story. Each unit opens with A True Story in the News, followed by readings and activities that explore the theme. Beyond True Stories is a book students won't want to put down - Reading strategies and vocabulary building activities help to prepare students for academic work. - A variety of texts -- including first-person accounts, expository pieces, and graphs -- provide practice with different kinds of reading. - Thought-provoking discussion and writing prompts encourage personal expression and complete the reading process.
Preschoolers can benefit from a special collection of Millie and Bailey's award-winning activities, specially selected to prepare them for school. With this software, your child will find magic in letters, shapes and numbers - and you'll discover why these lovable learning companions are the clear favorite among parents, educators, and children alike! Children will enjoy 21 activities in 8 location which is designed to speak curiosity and keep your child learning.