Presenting a range of exciting activities that support the development of creative English lessons within the existing structures of the Foundation Curriculum and the National Curriculum, this book: is packed full of interactive and creative teaching strategies provides guidance on assessing creative work highlights opportunities for creative literacy activities across the curriculum covers ages 3-11.
American English File gets students talking thanks to its unique and proven formula combining confidence-building, opportunity, and motivation. High-interest content is organized in lively, achievable lessons, using humor and imagination to encourage students to communicate and enjoy learning English. Solid grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation foundation carefully supports the work with the four skills and gradually builds students' confidence and performance in English
Vocabulary Games And Activities For Teachers Ещё одно издание для преподавателей английского. Книга, как видно из названия, содержит игры и различные задания, направленые на расширение словарного запаса учеников. В первой части учебника - подробные инструкции для преподавателя, во второй - ксерокопируемый раздаточный материал. Всего в книге 90 разнообразных игр для уровней от Elementary до Advanced.