Using ideas and activities already tried and tested in the classroom, this book shows practitioners how imaginative drama lessons and activities can be used to help encourage and improve children's writing, speaking and listening skills.
This book is designed for teachers, tutors, parents, and paraprofessionals who want to help students develop their ability to read and write. This can be done without having to buy the fancy, expensive programs that for-profit publishing companies insist are the key to success. All you need are the very simple, research-based strategies described in this book, plus paper, pencils, and a lot of good books to read. The activities here can be done individually, in small group, and with a little imagination, with a large group.
Just one thing to remember – these are purely my ideas and activities that I have found have accomplished great steps with the children with whom I have had the privilege to work, for 20 years. It is not an answer to all problems and will not suddenly help to perform great miracles. However, I do believe that these ideas will help to produce little stepping stones along the way to greater goals. And best of all, it’s all great fun!
Fog, Smog, and Poisoned Rain deals with air pollution and its consequences. Beginning with a definition of the problem, it then examines the causes of particular types of pollution and the way the pollution is disseminated; the geographic distribution of the phenomenon; and historical records. The book closes with a look into the future and a discussion of the ways in which air pollution can be reduced. In addition to pollution resulting from human activities the book also describes "natural pollution" from volcanic eruptions, lake beds, and gaseous emissions from plants and trees.
This bookincludes detailed 'Dos and Don'ts' on how to approach Cambridge FCE tasks, a greater emphasis on vocabulary, a Writing Guide containing model answers and ideas for Paper 2, tests and photocopiable activities available online. Workbook has Revision and development of topics, grammar and FCE skills introduced in the students book. Teacher's book includes clear procedural notes and ideas for optional activities, audioscripts with answers in bold, detailed key with suggested answers for speaking tasks. Audio CDs of student's book: CD1 (Units1-6), CD2 (Units 7-12)