Shakespeare and YouTube: New Media Forms of the Bard
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 14 August 2015
The video-sharing platform YouTube signals exciting opportunities and challenges for Shakespeare studies. As patron, distributor and archive, YouTube occasions new forms of user-generated Shakespeares, yet a reduced Bard too, subject to the distractions of the contemporary networked mediascape.
We are living in a video age – and so are our students. In 2014, 300 hours of video content was uploaded to YouTube every minute. Video has become so widely accepted as the optimum medium for getting information, that YouTube is the second largest search engine. This module looks at how we can use this ‘medium of choice’ to teach English.
Русско-английский разговорник: интерактивное видео и карточки ANKI
«Русско-английский разговорник» – серия бесплатных обучающих видео на YouTube, выполненных с использованием интерактивности (повтор фрагментов и мгновенный поиск необходимой фразы) и с применением технологии YouTube, которая позволяет избежать искажений текста на мониторах даже очень большого размера. Все видео имеют соответствующие озвученные карточки для программы ANKI. (Программа и карточки бесплатны).
Do you know what the fox says? Based on the hugely popular YouTube video with more than 200 million views, this picture book is packed full of foxy fun. Dog goes woof. Cat goes meow. Bird goes tweet and mouse goes squeak… But what does the fox say? The lyrics of Ylvis’s YouTube sensation “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)” meet Svein Nyhus’s playful illustrations in this irresistibly entertaining read-aloud picture book.
Mr Duncan is an English teacher born in Stafford (United Kingdom), who after working for 4 years in China as a teacher of English conversation, returned to the UK and decided to create free videos (uploaded to YouTube) to teach English to anyone interested in learning English online.