Techniques for Undoing Yourself, Volume 1 & 2 (Audio)
Techniques for Undoing Yourself is a series of CDs in which Dr. Hyatt presents effective methods by which you can change your self and your life! They are great companions to Hyatt's groundbreaking book, Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation and Other Devices and add an entirely new dimension to your repertoire of powerful and dynamic methods of self-change.
YarnPlay: Colorful Techniques + Projects for the Creative Knitter
Playing with yarn and color adds a whole new dimension to your handknits. Each of these patterns features multiple colors used in unexpected ways to create beautiful effects. Whether you like monochromatic shades or lots and lots of stripes or two bold tones side by side, you're bound to find pieces you'll love to knit for your home, yourself, or for a special friend, baby or family member.
Fight Back Against Unfair Debt Collection Practices: Know Your Rights and Protect Yourself from Threats, Lies, and Intimidation
How Debt Collectors Really Work--and How to Fight Back! An Insider’s Report from Fred Williams, Award-Winning Investigative Reporter Discover the dirty tricks collectors use Negotiate settlements that can save you a fortune Learn how to stop the harassment now!
As never before, our lives are bombarded with daily events that stir fear – real or imagined – in both our individual and collective psyches. From financial worries to social anxiety, from public speaking to personal safety, Free Yourself from Fears shows us how to ‘unlearn’ our unreal fears and find emotional freedom.Applying the power of psychology, O’Connor goes inside the mind and shows you how to deal not only with such common anxieties as fear of heights and flying but also fear of other people’s opinions and even of our own success.
Popular Mechanics Magazine: Lets be honest. You pride yourself on being a jack-of-all-trades, but when it comes to those tough fix-it projects, you arent quite up to par. Or maybe you are an expert handyman, but need a little refresher on certain aspects. Popular Mechanics is designed for both the master and the novice. The premiere do-it-yourself magazine features how-to articles on electronics, woodworking, home improvement, science and technology and automotive repair. Reviews of new products as well. Simply put, it is the only fix-it resource you need.