Ïðîãðàììà, ñîïðîâîæäàþùàÿ ó÷åáíèê Total English óðîâíÿ Starter.
The workbook CD-ROM provides extra support for students who miss lessons. In addition to the recorded material from the workbooks, the workbook CD-ROMs feature ‘catch-up’ material related to the key grammar areas.
The Complete Book of Presidents & States offers children in grades 4 to 6 complete instruction and practice on the U.S. Presidents and States. Children complete a variety of exercises that help them develop a number of skills in this 352 page workbook. Including a complete answer key this workbook features a user-friendly format perfect for browsing, research, and review. REUPLOADED by Pumukl
This is a companion guide to Think Good Feel Good: A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People. Designed for clinicians using the original workbook in their work with children, the book builds upon the workbook materials by offering guidance on all aspects of the therapeutic process and a range of case studies highlighting therapy in action.