По договоренности с сайтом EasyEnglish продолжаем знакомство с курсом Focus on Grammar (2-e издание|2nd edition). Focus on Grammar, Second Edition - серия учебных пособий, где в основу изложения матерала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики, а преподавателям - объяснять и закреплять материал с меньшими затратами усилий.100% ENGLISH CONTENT
Workbook CD-Rom for Activate! B2 The CD ROM contains interactive grammar and vocabulary activities to reinforce key language points.*iTests provide authentic exam practice with instant feedback allowing students to identify areas which require further practice. CD-Rom к рабочей тетради курса Activate! B2
This workbook provides material to learn English with law vocabulary. Tests vocabulary with crosswords, word games and puzzles. Self-study exercises and practical speaking activities for classroom use. Based strictly on a single dictionary, eliminating problems of source. The format of the workbook is clear and easy to use, comes complete with full instructions and combines both self-study and classroom exercises.
A complete six-level course for children of all ages. Fabulous photographs will fascinate children and motivate them to learn English. Easy to teach and fun to use, this is the course to make everyone smile. The gently graded syllabus gives all children a sense of real achievement. Level: BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl