"The Good , the Bad and the Unready" is the perfect book for discovering how one man could be both Charles the Scourge of God and Charles the Affable. Or who exactly it was that Vlad impaled. Or how some eighteen people earned the appellation 'the Great' (and that's not including Anthony the Great Bastard and Anne the Great Whore). Or why Joan the Mad never went anywhere without her husband's corpse.
Adjectives are often used without nouns. To refer to some well-known groups of people The structure the + adjective is used to talk about some well-known groups of people. Examples are: the blind, the deaf, the unemployed, the rich, the poor, the young, the old, the dead etc. He is collecting money for the blind.
Taboo: The Game of Unspeakable Fun (All New Cards)
It sounds so simple: get your team to name common words without voicing a few choice descriptors. But could you describe a wristwatch without mentioning time, wrist, or clock? Taboo rewards those who think--and speak--fast.
English File 1 WorkBook WorkBook, Lesson-by-lesson support for the core lessons of the Student's Book, grammar check exercises for each grammar file, and a guided writing syllabus. Available with and without key.
From the acclaimed master of action and suspense. The all time classic. An airliner crashes in the polar ice-cap. In temperatures 40 degrees below zero, six men and four women survive. But for the members of a remote scientific research station who rescue them, there are some sinister questions to answer -- the first one being, who shot the pilot before the crash?