The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs That Energize Great Performance (Audio)
A highly actionable blueprint for a better way of working and a more satisfying life The way we're working isn't working. More than 75 percent of employees around the world feel disengaged at work every day. We're in a new kind of energy crisis -- and this one is personal. The Way We're Working Isn't Working: The Four Forgotten Needs that Energize Great Performance makes a compelling case for a new kind of workplace, a better way of working and a more deeply satisfying way of life.
Being saddled with a terrible supervisor can turn even the best job into a nightmare. Unfortunately, not every boss is the great symbol of managerial perfection one would hope for. In fact, more people than not consider themselves stuck with a "bad boss." But short of remaining miserable or quitting a job, what can be done about it? A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses provides readers with savvy, practical advice for coping with managers and supervisors who are mean, incompetent, unethical, and worse.
The role of working memory in language processing has become the focus of contemporary debates in psycholinguistics. These debates concern which aspects of language processing are vulnerable to working memory limitations, how working memory is best measured, and whether compensatory processes can offset working memory limitations.
Create Your Own Hand-Printed Cloth: Stamp, Screen & Stencil with Everyday Objects
Create original cloth for quilts or wearable art by printing with found or recycled objects from around the house or hardware store, using a variety of pigments and surface design techniques including screen printing, stamping, rubbings, monoprinting with a gelatin plate, and working with soy wax
The Sandy Puc' Guide To Children's Portrait Photography
Sandy Puc' presents every conceivable aspect of children's portraiture in this quintessential guidebook. As great portrait sessions begin with top-notch planning and a working knowledge of the equipment, Puc' first offers her insights regarding the benefits of being well prepared from the start, including strategies for enhancing the technical aspects of the shoot, from lighting to posing to post-capture techniques. Puc' then uses her renowned interpersonal skills to offer advice regarding working with parents as well as ...