English Courses (Vaughan Systems) – Study Packs 2011 (Intermediate) – CHALLENGE - 2 MONTHS
Added by: math man | Karma: 198.35 | Coursebooks | 25 February 2011
English courses (Vaughan Systems) – Study Packs 2011 (Intermediate) – CHALLENGE 2 MONTHS
Vaughan Challenge 2 months is a program to work at home and significantly improve your English within 2 months. The pack contains books: Translation booklet and Vocabulary. (2 books + 2 CDs) It is an exceptional material to improve oral agility and at the same time large vocabulary. Both books are ideal to accompany the DVDs of course for the English level.
METHOD OF STUDY: 1 .- We see the first English course for the program. (Optional). 2 .- We studied the first list of Translation booklet. 3 .- We studied the first list of Vocabulary.
We do this from Monday to Thursday and Friday, review everything marked with pencil, and study again.
Vaughan Systems – Study Packs 2011 – CHALLENGE 2 MONTHS
Added by: math man | Karma: 198.35 | Coursebooks, Audio | 23 February 2011
Vaughan Systems – Study Packs 2011 – CHALLENGE 2 MONTHS
Vaughan Challenge 2 months. It is a program to work at home and significantly improve your English for 2 months. The pack contains books: Translation booklet and Vocabulary. (2 books + 2 CDs) It is an exceptional material to improve oral agility at the same time large vocabulary. Both books are ideal to accompany the DVDs of course for the English level.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 10 November 2010
Savage Day
The British Army are fighting a bloody undercover battle against an enemy close to home. Which is why they seem prepared to forget the ex-Major Simon Vaughan's past, spring him from prison and offer him a free hand - for in Northern Ireland it's time for the dog of war to have his savage day.