Taking young readers on a journey back in time, this dynamic series showcases various aspects of colonial life. Each book contains creative illustrations, interesting facts, highlighted vocabulary words, end-of-book challenges, and sidebars that help children understand the differences between modern and colonial life and inspire them to imagine what it would have been like to grow up in colonial America.
This book is the result of a unique experience: a research mathematician teaching in an elementary school. It summarizes this experience and quickly became a bestseller in Israel. It tells about a fascinating discovery made by the author - that elementary mathematics has a lot of depth and beauty, and that the secret to its teaching is to understand its deep points.
Is consciousness like an iceberg? Does advertising lead to the commodification of humans? What is the hidden meaning of fairy tales? In 50 Ways to Understand Communication, Arthur Asa Berger familiarizes readers with important concepts written by leading communication and cultural theorists, such as Saussure, LZvi-Strauss, de Certeau, Lasswell, McLuhan, Postman, and many others. Organized in fifty short segments, this concise guide covers a wide range of important ideas from psychoanalysis and semiology to humor, 'otherness,' and nonverbal communication.
Since 1887 The Writer has provided the motivation, writing techniques, expert tips and compelling author insights that turn good writing into great writing. We’ll help you become a better writer, find markets for your work, understand the business of writing, follow industry news and trends, reach your goals, and more!
Whether it’s fair or not, people judge you by the words you use. Study after study has PROVEN that people who can use and understand a wide range of words enjoy success, status, and higher incomes. Imagine you’re being interviewed for a high-paying position and the decision maker uses a word like ‘salient’ or ‘semantic.’ If you understand the meaning of these words, you can impress the interviewer and gain a big advantage over the other candidates. If you’re a student and you want to get higher grades and improve your academic performance, a profound knowledge of vocabulary is a MUST. It’s not an option