English for Academic CVs, Resumes, and Online Profiles
Are you a graduate, postgraduate or PhD student? Building a CV or profile can be difficult for anyone, but especially for those whose first language is not English. This book is essential for those looking to promote themselves in the academic community, and can be used both for self-study, as well as in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course. The book contains tips, do's and dont's, and discussion points that can be used by instructors.
The last chapter of the book contains a simple template to help you get the job of your dreams!
Intercultural Communication_ A Reader (with InfoTrac) (Wadsworth Series in Speech Comunication)
This broad-based, highly engaging reader, compiled by the authors who defined the course, introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of intercultural communication. It includes a balance of articles with readings that discuss the classic ideas that laid the groundwork for this field, as well as those that investigate the field's latest research and ideas.
In life-threatening forms of cancer, cells stop working correctly, grow, divide, and spread throughout the body in harmful ways. These diseases impact the lives of many people, directly for those diagnosed and indirectly for the friends and families of those diagnosed. So many distinct forms of cancer with multiple unique diagnostic tools and approaches to treatment can be overwhelming for those diagnosed and those supporting them.
The Governor provides the most comprehensive look to date at the life of a twice-elected public official in the notoriously complicated world of Illinois politics. We take a tour through the segregated neighborhoods of Chicago, a city of great ethnic diversity, and see firsthand how those divides can evolve into cabals that rival anything found on the national political scene.
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5It took Vonnegut more than 20 years to put his Dresden experiences into words. He explained, "there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again." Slaughterhouse Five is a powerful novel incorporating a number of genres. Only those who have fought in wars can say whether it represents the experience well. However, what the novel does do is invite the reader to look at the absurdity of war. Human versus human, hedonist politicians pressing buttons and ordering millions to their deaths all for ideologies many cannot even comprehend.