Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, PET | 26 August 2020
"Focus Exam Practice: Cambridge English Preliminary" offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside the Students' Book. Powered by Practice Tests Plus, it combines realistic exam practice with guidance and strategies for dealing with each exam paper.
Ćwiczenia i testy gramatyczno-leksykalne (Grammar & Vocabulary Exercises and Tests)
The book comprises numerous grammar and vocabulary exercises divided into 8 sections, designed as revision material for learners at B2-C1 learners, preparing for FCE, CAE, as well as Matura exam (extended version).
The eight chapters include:
1. Tenses and verb forms; 2. Grammar; 3. Paraphrasing; 4. Gap filling; 5. Translations; 6. Word formation; 7. Vocabulary; 8. Collocations.
Apart from one chapter (translations), the book can be used by any English speaker.
The trusted English File series returns with more supportive features than ever before. The 4th Edition continues to build students’ communicative confidence, while teacher feedback from the Oxford Impact Study ensures that this edition is the most motivating yet.
There are three Level Tests, which correspond to New English File Elementary, New English File Pre-intermediate, and English File Intermediate. The tests cover a representative sample of the contents of each level. Each test contains 40 multiple-choice questions. Most of the questions test grammar at different levels of difficulty. However, some questions also test vocabulary and expressions which occur at that level of New English File.