A coursebook for the students aged 13 starting their English education at junior high school. Level A1+ and A2. Contains eight theme units, project tasks, cross curricular activities, British culture corners, and exam preparation sections.
Interactive Country Studies Quiz: English Speaking Countries
Interactive Country Studies Quiz: English Speaking Countries 1. The QUIZ provides students with the tasks at different levels of English. 2. There are three parts in the QUIZ: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced. 3. The QUIZ has the tasks of a variety of test formats as well as searching information on many subjects.
This program is compatible with Interactive Whiteboards and is suitable for individual use at home, as well as in class.
Język angielski - sprawdzian szóstoklasisty 2011
A set of interactive tests for the undergraduates od primary school aiming to take the final exam in English. The tasks comply with the rules of 2011 requirements. Level A1-A2.
A booklet containing six exam papers for students of secondary schools aiming to take oral matura in 2012 or later. Level B1. The set contains two versions of exam tasks - one for students and the other for teachers.
Учебное пособие для старшеклассников и студентов неязыковых ВУЗов с услубленным изучением английского языка. Пособие знакомит со сложными глагольными формами: герундием, инфинитивом и причастием. Книга содержит раздел The Keys – ответы на задания.
The Book includes three chapters: The Gerund, The Infinitive, The Participle and also Appendices and Answer Keys. The Book has been designed so that the difficulty of the tasks is growing up while reading it through. The tasks within the book marked with capital letters are aimed at Beginners (A), Intermediate students (B) and Advanced learners (C).