Zestaw ćwiczeń na poziomie CAE - Gramatyka i słownictwo (Set of Vocabulary & Grammar exercises at CAE Level)
The book comprises four parts: Grammar, Vocabulary, Punctuation and English in Use Exam Practice. The materiał included in the first three parts was selected so that it could help students to prepare to do specific exam tasks, such as multiple choice gap fill, or open gap fill. The last part includes the tasks similar to those included in one of the CAE exam sections: English in Use.
Сборник содержит 7 адаптированных рассказов на английском языке знаменитой английской писательницы XX века. Текст каждого рассказа снабжен упражнениями, направленными на отработку лексики и грамматических структур. В конце сборника приводится словарь.
The stories by well-known English and American authors with their exciting plots and fascinating narration make interesting and helpful reading for students as well as for all those who are fond of English books.
A set od additional exercises for units 9-10 of Access 1-4 coursebooks. Contains Optional vocabulary practice, progress check drills, and grammar revision.
This workbook is the second volume of a selection from the writing exam papers of the Department of Basic English at Middle-East Technical University. It aims to provide the intermediate and upper-intermediate students with writing material that will support the writing activities done in class. The first section focuses on the paragraph and its parts, to help students to write a unified, coherent paragraph. Sections 2 through 7 include material for the rhetorical patterns most commonly found in expository writing. Section 8 contains tasks for full composition writing.