175 Ways to Get More Done In Less Time Want to get things done faster so you can accomplish more of your long-term goals? Okay. We'd all like that to happen. But the question we finally have to ask is "How can I do that - get more things done in less time? This book is loaded with ideas. Now, don't expect smoke and mirrors here. And don't look to magically pull a few extra hours for your day out of thin air. Nope, there's no magic formula. But, between the front and back covers of thei book you'll find 175 really really good suggestions that will help you get things done faster ... and usually better. Before you know it, you're back in control - actually achieving those goals you've set for yourself
Developing an Association for Language Teachers Handbook This handbook has one simple purpose. That is, to provide some practical suggestions for language teachers. It may be that you are thinking about setting up an association or that you have already started an association and would like more ideas on certain aspects. The suggestions which are presented here are all based on the practical experience of teachers in many parts of the world.
However, we cannot pretend that all the ideas in this handbook can be applied automatically in any situation. When setting up or developing an association you will, of course, have to pay primary attention to the needs of language teachers in your own situation. You will also have to pay attention to the constraints of your own situation, and make use of the resources which are available in your situation. It is impossible for a short handbook to deal with all the possibilities which may exist.
Think of this handbook, then, simply as a bank of suggestions. It is for you to adopt,
adapt or reject these suggestions as you think fit.
1 This text has been slightly adapted from the introduction of the 1988 edition.
Passeggiate Romane - 18 Itineraries to Unveil the Wonders of Rome 18 itineraries to unveil, step after step, the wonders of Rome.
Four walking tours for each season of the year and two more suggestions to help you discover the most "secret" Rome.