Introduce to linguistics. Complete year one notes. Some definitions and a lot of exercises are inside. Complete solution to "basic exercises in syntax" (tree diagram). About quality: Very nice hand write. Easy to read and understand.
The study of language: an introduction (second edition)
The Study of Language is quite simply the best introduction to the field available today. Starting from the basics, it provides a solid foundation in all of the essential topics, and introduces the analysis of the key elements of language – sounds, words, structures, and meanings.
This text offers new insights into the case study as a tool of educational research and suggest how it can be a prime research strategy for developing educational theory which illuminates policy and enhances practice. Several different kinds of educational case study are identified, namely: theory seeking; theory-testing; story-telling; picture-drawing; and evaluative case study. Readers are taken through the various stages in conducting case study research, including a helpful account of data collection and data analysis methods. Each stage is underpinned by the concepts of trustworthiness and respect for persons
How and when does the ability to give and understand explanations develop? Morag Donaldson directly addresses this question in the present study, providing evidence from a series of imaginative experiments she carried out with 3- to 10-year-olds. In contrast to many earlier accounts, she demonstrates that children can distinguish between cause and effect and among physical, psychological and logical relations well before the age of 7.