First of its kind, sure to set the standard for future psychology reference works. Provides psychologists, practitioners, researchers, and students with complete and up-to-date information on the field of psychology. Twelve volumes cover all of the fundamental areas of knowledge in the field. Unlike an encyclopedia, the volumes in this set can stand alone as state-of-the-field handbooks. Together they cover both the science and the practice of psychology broadly and in depth.
Statistics in Plain English by Timothy C. Urdan This book is for all students who suffer any sort of statistics-anxiety and yet must take a statistics course in high school or college. Of course, it would also be of value for anyone simply interested in statistics. As college students well know, most statistics texts are typically impossible to make sense of. This book explains quite complex concepts and analyses in ways that professors are often unable to do. The examples are clean and crisp. Difficult material is brought down to earth with prose that is both user-friendly and often humorous. Well worth purchasing. CD added thanks to CUMARTESILERI
Four complete past papers from University of Cambr ESOL Examinations. Cambr BEC Higher 3 contains four complete practice tests for the Cambr BEC examination from University of Cambr ESOL Examinations (Camb ESOL).
Postcards 4 Student's Book + Audio
Красочный учебник из четырёхуровневой серии американского английского 'Postcards'. Курс для подростков и о подростках. Продуманный подход, достоверные истории, интересные задания, современный язык, яркие фотографии, игры и проекты.
Postcards is an exciting new four-level American English program for young teenagers. It is unique among courses for teens because it focuses on the teen's world.
Units feature believable storylines and characters who speak natural, contemporary English. Magazine-like, photo-based design sparks interest in real-world situations and topics. Carefully sequenced, varied activities give students confidence to communicate in English and keep their motivation level high.
Real-life topics and characters appeal to students from the start—and keep them interested throughout the year.
Creative and engaging activities, photo-stories, projects, cultural information, games, and songs bring language to life so that students want to communicate in English.
Carefully sequenced lessons help students build confidence in achievable steps.
Clear learning goals and frequent progress checks motivate students to set and achieve objectives.
English for Science is an English language text for use in secondary schools or adult education programs to prepare students to participate in basic science courses. The texts are designed for intermediate and advanced students of English as second language.