If you have problems with getting your students interested and motivated - you might find these stories useful. Most of them are packed with exercises you can use, so they could be a great help for a busy teacher. They are divided into four categories: crime, funny, people and various, and their basic function is to encourage students to use the second language intuitively and actively, in contrast to passive soaking up of information.
Strategies for Success, by H. Douglas Brown, enables students and teachers to take a fresh look at the learning process. Its strategies-based instruction guides students to become aware of their learning styles and to develop strategies to make their language learning successful. It can be used to enhance any English language course. The book's twelve chapters focus on concepts from self-awareness and affective styles to multiple intelligences and the cultural aspects of learning a language.
* Questionnaires in every chapter help learners assess their learning styles.
* Discussions encourage students to explore language-learning strategies, take risks, build self-confidence, and acquire successful test-taking strategies.
* End of chapter exercises help users practice all language skills as they develop learning strategies.
An excellent review text on FD. Covers all aspects of dental forensics as to theory and technique....A must for forensic dentists. -Journal of the American Association of Forensic Dentists.
This is a highly useful tool for students of forensic odontology. It could be required reading for dental students in schools where this subject is taught.
The contents of the textbook are completely up-to-date. It can be recommended for students, forensic pathologists as well as dentists interested in forensic sciences. --Heidi Pfeiffer, International Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol. 112, No. 6
Учебник будет в первую очередь полезен студентам, изучающим специализированный английский - в сфере пищевой промышленности.
узнаете терминологию, идиомы, получите общие знания о собственно
работе. В этой книге вы также найдёте интересные тематические тексты
для чтения, вопросы, проверяющие усвоение прочитанного, упражнения на
закрепление усвоенной лексики.
Teaches students common terminology and general information about the
food service, retail, hotel, and health service industries. *
BUILDING-BLOCK APPROACH. Guides students at a comfortable pace through
a step-by-step process. * TARGETED TEXTS. Make it possible for students
to study only the industries they are most interested in. * EXTENSIVE
ACTIVITIES. Give students abundant practice in the important skills of
speaking, listening, reading, writing, and critical thinking. *
PROMOTION TIPS. Allow students to move beyond entry-level jobs.
Your Mark ON-THE-JOB ENGLISH LEARNING Illustrates situations and
enhances workplace literacy that span four major industries: food
service, the hotel industry, retail, and health services. JOB-FOCUSED
TOPICS Focus on teaching terminology, common idioms, general job
information, and strategies for success. INDIVIDUAL AND COOPERATIVE
LEARNING ACTIVITIES Provide opportunities for enhancement of speaking,
listening, reading, writing, and aritificial-thinking skills.
Ключевые слова и выражения, относящиеся к тематике "кафе и рестораны", представлены в контексте и закрепляются при помощи интересных упражнений.
Words to know! Develop important survival skills with these easy-to-use activities, sure to improve vocabulary, spelling and writing ability. Key words are introduced in context and then repeatedly reinforced in motivating exercises that emphasise word pronunciations, definitions, spelling, problem-solving and more! Help your students acquire vital life skills with this practical and solidly-conceived book. Restaurant Words is loaded with practical, fun, and easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through motivating exercises emphasizing word pronunciations, definitions, spelling, problem solving and more! Real-life math questions provide practice solving problems related to dining in a restaurant. So help your students acquire vital life skills with this practical, solidly conceived book.