This new three-level series edition offers just the right balance of explanations and practice. The Advanced level offers in-depth explanations and challenging activities to help students refine their grammatical competence.
The Grammar Practice-Plus CD-ROM expands on materials covered in the texts.
Listen and Speak: Students hear sentences, select the correct response, and record their own voices. Read and Write: Students practice identifying errors and correcting them. Test and Review: Multiple choice tests help students check their progress.
I recommend this book to teachers hoping to energize their literature
or writing classes by positioning all students as creative, ambitious
researchers capable of critiquing or even transforming worlds outside
the classroom. When I discovered it two months ago, it struck me as
just the resource I needed for revitalizing my college survey of
multicultural literature for freshman and sophomores, a course
which sometimes engaged and sometimes bored students. I have since
redesigned materials for the course, using Beach and Myers' idea that
to fully understand literature-or our own lives-we must think of individual people (whether characters in a story, authors of those stories, or
ourselves and others in the real world) as part of larger systems or
"social worlds," acting to protect and continue those systems or to
challenge and change them. The book clearly delineates the components
of social worlds and is full of sample activities and assignments; with
these, I have revised my own discussion questions,presentation assignments and writing prompts. I have also shown Chapter 8, "School and Sports Worlds," to several high school teachers who now plan to assign the ethnographic inquiry projects outlined there rather than assigning traditional research papers. This is a practical, accessible, entirely useable book.
This book is the fourth manual of a series of medical English books aimed at medical specialists. It is an introduction to cardiological English and intends to help all those who need to use professional English but do not speak it on a day-to-day basis. The multiplicity of cardiological tests and therapeutical procedures demands a sound knowledge of cardiovascular English and can be extremely demanding for non-native English speaking cardiologists, cardiology residents, nurses, and medical students.
Written for: Cardiologists, cardiology residents, nurses, medical students.
ENGLISH Àóäèîêóðñ "Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê" • ENGLISH 1 - Student's Book • ENGLISH 2 - Student's Book • ENGLISH 3 - Student's Book & Pupil's Book • ENGLISH 4 - Student's Book • ENGLISH 5 - Student's Book • ENGLISH 6 - Student's Book & Activity Book • ENGLISH 8 - Student's Book & Activity Book • ENGLISH 10-11 - Student's Book
Smart Choice is the easy and effective way to teach English. Teach right off the page, add your own activities with ease, and expand your lessons with extra material, including customizable worksheets and free video.
Use the 'Click & Change CD-ROM' to bring Smart Choice into your students' world. Just modify the worksheets to create professional-quality photocopiables with the food, fashions, places, and pop stars your students want to talk about.