Give your student a time travelling tour of world history with this brilliant lecture series taught by award winning educator Linwood Thompson. In 30 lectures your student will cover the full story of human civilization, analyzing geography, technology, economies, social institutions and cultural achievements. The magnitude of the material would be daunting for most teachers, but not this one.
CNN Student News - Sep 9, 2016 (with English subtitle)
As the U.S. approaches the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, today's show is focused exclusively on the memories and insights of some young people who were directly affected. The interview contains emotional accounts from the children of attack victims as well as some footage of the attacks themselves, so teachers are encouraged the preview the program.
Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of Kids, the photo-story from the Student's Book. For your kinaesthetic learners there are new fun total physical response pronunciation activities in the pronunciation bank at the back of the Student's Book. Other students will enjoy reading the stories in the extensive reading bank.The Project fourth edition Workbook provides extra practice of all the language covered in the Student's Book.
CNN Student News - August 30, 2016 (with English subtitle)
Nature takes center stage on this edition of our show. We're reporting on the Atlantic hurricane "drought," as experts warn that it can't last forever and that the height of hurricane season is near. We're taking you to a sulfur mine in Indonesia, where workers take daily risks next to a volcanic crater. And we're bringing you our series finale on America's national parks.
Desire2Learn (D2L) is a highly customizable course management system, focusing on higher education and corporate training. It offers a flexible UI and supports blended classrooms and online learning. Find out how easy it is to get started. In this course, Author Alan Ackmann explores the features and best practices you need to know to teach with D2L. Learn how to customize the Desire2Learn interface, communicate with students, assign and grade student work, and understand how D2L functions from the student perspective.