""How to Effectively Double Your Reading Speed and Accelerate Your Learning Abilities to the Extreme!"" Trivia: Did you know that some people can read more than a thousand words per minute as compared to an average college student who can only read between 250 and 350 wpm? That's true! Anyone can double their speed in reading without the fear of not being able to understand the materials being read. Most people find reading rapidly difficult and risky. They are afraid that as they increase the speed of reading, they might not be able to grasp the idea of what they are reading.
The Speed of Dark is a near-future SF novel. The story is told from the first person viewpoint of an autistic process analyst. It won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 2003, and was also an Arthur C. Clarke Award finalist.
"If I had not been what I am, what would I have been?" wonders Lou Arrendale, the autistic hero of Moon's compelling exploration of the concept of "normalcy" and what might happen when medical science attains the knowledge to "cure" adult autism. Arrendale narrates most of this book in a poignant earnestness that verges on the philosophical and showcases Moon's gift for characterization.
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 12 October 2010
This handbook focuses on theoretical challenges associated with process-orientated psycholinguistics. Speech acts are embedded in situations that may vary in a multitude of parameters. Speech production and comprehension necessarily have to be both robust and flexible. Flexibility includes that speakers vary in speed, articulation, choice of words and interaction style, depending on specific context conditions.
Six Sigma+Lean Toolset: Executing Improvement Projects Successfully
The Six Sigma concept has enjoyed triumphant success throughout the business world over the last 20 years, contributing significantly to renowned corporations improving their net income. For a number of years now this successful concept has been supplemented by the tools of Lean Management, an approach that has accelerated process speed, reduced inventories, and decreased lead times.
Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World
Over the past decade there has been a growing public fascination with the complex connectedness of modern society. This connectedness is found in many incarnations: in the rapid growth of the Internet, in the ease with which global communication takes place, and in the ability of news and information as well as epidemics and financial crises to spread with surprising speed and intensity.