This landmark study examines the role of gestures in relation to speech and thought. Leading scholars, including psychologists, linguists and anthropologists, offer state-of-the-art analyses to demonstrate that gestures are not merely an embellishment of speech but are integral parts of language itself. The volume contributes to a rapidly growing field of study, offering a wide range of theoretical perspectives. It has strong cross-linguistic and cross-cultural components, examining gestures by speakers of Mayan, Australian, East Asian, as well as English and European languages.
If your reading Jacques Derrida, esp. Limited Inc and Psyche this work along with Austin's How to do Things with Words are essential. These two books are the fundamental texts of Speech Act Theory. So if you want to find out about Locutions, Illocutionary Force and whatnot check out this text.
Dyslexia, Speech and Language: A Practitioner's Handbook
Dyslexia, Speech and Language: A Practitioner's Handbook - Second Edition
This authoritative handbook presents current ideas on the relationship between spoken and written language difficulties. It provides clinical and educational perspectives on the assessment and management of children's reading and spelling problems. The book begins with a theoretical overview.