The Dialect of the Tribe: Speech and Community in Modern Fiction
The Dialect of the Tribe offers fresh readings of such great novels as The Golden Bowl, Women in Love, Ulysses, and the Beckett trilogy which illustrate how complex attitudes toward the speech forms of language inform the most varied social, psychological, and aesthetic structures in modern fiction. Sabin explores the powerful tension in these writers between appreciation for the resources of common speech in English and contrary longings for a freedom associated with abstraction, system, and foreign or private language.
With the aim to present the basic principles of stress, rhythm and intonation, this 'oldie goldie' is a graded set of exercises for all stages of learning english. This book, first published in 1951, is the seventh impression dated 1961.
Humans never run out of things to say. We explain, we cajole, we gossip, and we flirt--all with the help of language. But how in the space of several million years did we evolve from an ordinary primate that that could not talk to the strange human primate that can't shut up? In this fascinating, thought-provoking book, Robbins Burling presents the most convincing account of the origins of language ever published, shedding new light on how speech affects the way we think, behave, and relate to each other, and offering us a deeper understanding of the nature of language itself.
Phonetic Interpretation: Papers in Laboratory Phonology VI (Papers in Laboratory Phonology)
This study presents innovative work from four core areas: phonological representations and the lexicon; phonetic interpretation and phrasal structure; phonetic interpretation and syllable structure; and phonology and natural speech production. Written by experts in the fields of phonetics, phonology and speech perception, the chapters in this volume use a wide range of laboratory and instrumental techniques to analyze the production and perception of speech.
This handbook shows you how to use Talk a Lot materials to learn or teach spoken English, as well as providing background information and practice worksheets on related topics, such as connected speech, sentence and word stress, and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).