by Cyril Miller... 1. The Alphabet, 2. General Hints on Spelling, 3. The Use of Capitals, 4. General Definitions and Explanations, 5. Parts of Speech, 6. Sentences, Glauses, Phrases, 7. Construction of Sentences, 8. Inversion, 9. The Noun, 10. The Adjective, 11. The Pronoun 12. The Verb 13. The Adverb, 14. The Preposition, 15. The Conjunction, 16. The Interjection, 17. The Same Words used as Different Parts of Speech, 18. Analysis of Sentences, 19. Punctuation, 20. Index
Saving Our Prepositions - A Guide For The Perplexed
What are prepositions? Easy. Prepositions are those diminutive and deceptively simple words, like “at,” “by” “for,” “in,” “of,” “on” and ”to,” which are entrusted with the humble task of connecting one part of sentence to another. They are the vital building blocks of the English language, and few sentences would be complete or even possible without them. Yet they are also the banana peels of modern speech and we constantly slip up on them. The unfortunate result is a rash of awkwardness, confusion and misunderstanding.
Highly Motivating Practice Pages-Based on Favorite Folk and Fairy Tales-That Reinforce Parts of Speech, Punctuation, Capitalization, and More (Grades 3-4)
Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, this book provides an introductory account of topics covered in courses in phonology and phonetics. It gives attention to the fundamental of speech production as well as to phonological description and analysis. First edition 1990