This volume gathers a series of lectures Michel Foucault gave on the Greek notion of parrhesia, or fearless speech. Parrhesia is the speech of someone who has the moral qualities required to speak the truth, even if it differs from what the majority of people believes and one faces danger for speaking it.
Added by: mvorm | Karma: 0.00 | Black Hole | 18 October 2011
Understanding English Speech
Understanding English Speech
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For 45 years, Mad Libs® has been entertaining and educating children and adults of all ages. It's the classic word game that helps teach parts of speech!
The Unfolding of Language - An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention
Using language himself in a lively and engaging way, Deutscher, an expert in Semitic languages at the University of Leiden in Holland, identifies two principles—the desire to create order out of chaotic reality, and the urge to vary the sounds of words and their meanings—providing the direction by which language developed and continues to develop. Rather than search for the prehistoric moment when speech originated, Deutscher says we can most profitably understand the phenomenon by taking the present as the key to the past.