This is a formal and systematic study of the logical foundations of speech act theory. The study of speech acts has been a flourishing branch of the philosophy of language and linguistics over the last two decades, and John Searle has of course himself made some of the most notable contributions to that study in the sequence of books Speech Acts (1969), Expression and Meaning (1979) and Intentionality (1983).
Reinforce grammar basics with dozens of ready-to-go reproducibles! Each page features an engaging activity that targets a specific grammar skill. Students review past-tense verbs by completing a crossword puzzle, sharpen writing skills by ridding stories of passive voice, and learn about adjectives by creating fun puns. Other grammar topics covered include parts of speech, using past, present, and future tense, capitalization, punctuation, possessives, contractions, and more!
Sounds Good on Paper: How to Bring Business Language to Life
Career experts have noted the enormous competitive advantage of employees who excel at written communication. This book, written by one of London’s top copywriters, is a fun guide to using fifty of the most powerful and persuasive figures of speech to add freshness and flavor to everything from the most routine business communication to marketing copy which has an immediate and memorable impact. Figures of speech with their double meaning wordplay can add a level of style and impact and pump up your powers of persuasion.
Экспериментируем # 12 Сегодня я публикую подборку раздаточных материалов (worksheets and handouts) для преподавателей английского на тему REPORTED SPEECH, ROLE-PLAYS, USED TO. Все эти activities собирались мной с разных сайтов в течение нескольких лет и тщательно сортировались по темам. Используются в качестве вспомогательного материала на грамматических и лексических уроках. Многие из них уже невозможно нигде найти/скачать, другие - совсем свежие. Итак, в сегодняшних сборниках ( 8 Mb) - более тридцатиразличных интересных заданий, игр и упражнений на вышеуказанную тему. В основном они в PDF, но иногда встречаются и DOC файлы.
This book and audio compact disc program instructs students of English as a second language in the elements of grammar, presenting a grammar review that emphasizes speech and correct pronunciation. The compact discs include spoken dictations for each of the book's ten chapters. Students start by writing out what they hear, and then comparing what they have written with the book's printed version. In the process, they begin learning the elements of grammar, staring with the simple present tense of the verb "to be" and progressing to all other tenses and parts of speech. Students gradually learn how to use English words and pronounce them properly in grammatically correct sentences.