A bimonthly magazine for the learners of English at upper intermediate and advanced levels (B2-C1). Features: language, music, economy, politics, literature, mass media, social problems, nature, and new technologies. Audio, scripts and worksheets included.
This is the seventh edition of a highly regarded, major textbook of paediatrics.
Key features
* Empahasis on differential diagnosis from a presenting-problem point of view.. * Covers the social and preventative aspects of child health * Covers the common diseases of childhood and their treatment with a presenting-problem approach * Contextualises the disease in description of social, genetic and epidemiological factors. * Clinical example boxes throughout * Key learning points in Practical Points boxes throughout * Clearly sign-posted text
Back in 1994, Marlon Brando agreed to reconstruct his own life for public consumption. The result is an honest, revealing self-portrait by the critically acclaimed, fiercely independent actor, who discusses his early life, career, world travels, social activism, and profiles of friends, lovers, and professional colleagues.
Read and Discover combines lively reading material with carefully graded language, enabling students to discover more about the world while learning English. The topics have been chosen to stimulate students' interest and to cover key curriculum content from three broad subject areas: The World of Science and technology, The Natural World, and The World of Arts and Social Studies. All readers contain two activity pages for every chapter, two projects in each book and a picture dictionary for key vocabulary.
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the process of analyzing and managing the intended and unintended consequences on the human environment of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, projects) so as to bring about a more sustainable and equitable biophysical and human environment. This important Handbook presents an indispensable overview of the range of new methods and of the conceptual advances in SIA. Recent increased attention to social considerations has led to substantial development in the techniques useful to, and the thinking in, SIA. A distinguished group of contributors provides an up-to-date and comprehensive account of the cutting-edge in SIA development.