The 30 Day MBA demonstrates that going to business school is not the only way to acquire an MBA skill set - and that there are ways to gain the same knowledge, while saving both time and money. This book covers the essential elements and core disciplines in a top MBA program.
The subjects covered include accounting, business history, business law, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics and social responsibility, finance, marketing, operations, organizational behavior, personal development, quantitative and qualitative research and strategy.
The unique two-part Core/Extend lesson organization makes this Social Studies Student Book flexible, yet comprehensive. Each Core lesson delivers standards-based content, and the Extend lessons provide the opportunity to dig deeper for greater understanding.
Many of Lowndes's potential readers may "shy" away from her relentlessly perky, exclamatory tone and use of terms like Shys (for shy folks) and Sures (for extroverts). Which is too bad, because much of her advice is sensible and based on desensitization techniques, or graduated exposure, therapists use in treating shyness and social phobia. The book is a mixture of confessional by a formerly shy author (How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You) and no-nonsense guide.
The English for Social Interaction series is intended to help foreign learners acquire spoken English skills so that they can engage in fluent communication. Social Expressions presents a series of 30 passages, dealing each with a situation that is commonly found in the course of everyday life. The key expressions are explained, supported by example sentences and, where relevant, Language Help notes. Exercises with accompanying answers are also included for self-testing.
The unique two-part Core/Extend lesson organization makes this Social Studies Student Book flexible, yet comprehensive. Each Core lesson delivers standards-based content, and the Extend lessons provide the opportunity to dig deeper for greater understanding.