Give non-native speakers the added benefit of exclusive English Language Coach side notes to help them better understand key concepts in informational text - especially those related to vocabulary and usage. The Active Learning and Note Taking Guide (ELL) will help ELL (English Language Learner) students get started by providing plentiful sample answers as they learn to apply the Cornell Note Taking system to informational text in their Student Edition. Students will develop effective reading strategies for informational text with an active reading approach that lets them interact with and mark up text for increased understanding.
"Literature: Reading with Purpose" is the first research-based middle school language arts program that effectively combines strong skill development and incredible reading. Scaffolding and spiraling of skills builds a strong, necessary language arts foundation. Students will be motivated, not frustrated by high-interest, leveled selections that engage and appeal to this tough audience. An inquiry-based "Big Question" approach within a unique "Workshop" lesson format gives students a purpose and meaningful context for their reading. You can differentiate, remediate, and accelerate with one book that will bring all students into the community of learners! Reading age for native speakers: Middle School students (8th grade)
"Marketing Essentials" is the top selling book in marketing education because it's clear, it's comprehensive, and it gives teachers the support materials they need. This popular text has been revised to include chapters on the most current topics in marketing, including e-marketing, marketing ethics, and international and cross-cultural marketing.
Reading age for native speakers: High School students
The current study aimed to develop a model of reading comprehension for children in middle primary school. As part of this overall aim there was a particular focus on the contribution of different types of memory to reading comprehension. The variables selected for consideration were identified from the child and adult literature and were of three types: word reading, language, and memory. The sample comprised 180 primary school children in grades 3-5 recruited from two primary schools. Their ages ranged from 8 years 7 months to 11 years 11 months.
The reading comprehension measure was in a multiple-choice format with the text available when answering the questions. The five word reading measures were phonological recoding, orthographic processing, text reading accuracy, text reading speed, and a measure of exposure to print and reading experience.
Give non-native speakers the added benefit of exclusive English Language Coach side notes to help them better understand key concepts in informational text - especially those related to vocabulary and usage. The Active Learning and Note Taking Guide (ELL) will help ELL (English Language Learner) students get started by providing plentiful sample answers as they learn to apply the Cornell Note Taking system to informational text in their Student Edition. Students will develop effective reading strategies for informational text with an active reading approach that lets them interact with and mark up text for increased understanding.