Partner Stalking - How Women Respond, Cope and Survive
It is estimated that a quarter of all women will be stalked in their lifetime. Stalkers put their victims in danger of losing their jobs, their support system, even their lives; and subject them to dangerously high levels of fear and stress. This book examines the multiple aspects of partner stalking from the victim's perspective. Female survivors share their personal stories of partner stalking, and the authors provide an extensive look at the latest stalking research providing readers with the new most relevant implications for practice and future research.
Gateways Level 1B - Student Anthology is designed for 5th grade ELL learners. Each lesson is modeled completely so that the instructional intent is clear and explicit. The ancillaries provide teachers with multiple examples that can be presented in a short amount of time, standardize instructional wording so that students receive consistent direction, provide efficient correctives that build on what students have been taught, and control the amount of time spent on each activity.
Added by: azhersaleh | Karma: 53.41 | Black Hole | 26 February 2011
George Bernard Shaw
Shaw is a playwright with a socialistic purpose, and although he expresses himself through drama (mainly comedic), he did not go for cheap laughter. He uses comedy and wit as a means to an end, and if he does not feel this end is met, he considers his efforts a failure.
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Added by: camhuy | Karma: 1388.27 | Black Hole | 20 February 2011
Where's Rex?
Part of a 6 level series of readers for children learning English, which brings together a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles. This work aims to provide reinforcement of the basic structures and vocabulary contained in the most major primary courses.
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There are 48 photocopiable activities - one for every main Student's Book lesson. They are designed to consolidate the material covered in the Student's Book lesson in an engaging and communicative way. Most of the activities provide practice in the grammar or vocabulary of the lesson, and all give your students the opportunity to describe, explain, speculate, debate, and question in English. The Teacher's Notes provide full guidance in using the activities as well as all the answers.