Glasklar English für Fortgeschrittene
The idealcoursefor studentswith previous knowledge.Learnlanguagesas easily asatravellanguageeasilyand convenientlyfrom home! Withthe language coursesfrom the seriesGlasklarlanguagesyoulearn, step bystepandtime-independent. It offersyouoptimal support whiledeepeningyour language skills.Variedforms of exerciseprovidesignificant expertise inthe areas ofgrammar, vocabulary,listening andreading comprehension.
he automobile has significantly evolved since the late 1800s, when these "ostentatious displays of wealth" - so dubbed by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson - were met with cries of "Get a horse!" as they obtrusively hissed their way down the street. In the introduction of Automotive Engineering Fundamentals, Richard Stone and Jeffrey K. Ball provide a fascinating and often amusing history of the passenger vehicle, showcasing the various highs and lows of this now-indispensable component of civilized societies. The authors then provide an overview of the publication, which is designed to give the student of
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 1 October 2011
The Mammoth Book of Roman Whodunnits
A host of totally new stories written by some of the most popular writers of historical mysteries brings to life the glorious and nefarious world that for nearly a thousand years—from the founding of the Republic in 510 B.C. to the deposing of the last emperor, Romulus, in 476 A.D.—was ancient Rome. Events from the turbulent reigns of Julius Caesar, Augustus, Caligula, and Nero provide the colorful background to tales ingeniously contrived by contributors like Paul Doherty, Gillian Bradshaw, and Richard Butler.
Project third edition encourages students to enjoy the process of learning, through updated content and a wealth of materials. It motivates students with engaging texts, topics, and activities across all five levels. The logical structure and clear approach provide a solid base for learning, as the course presents real language in real contexts. Expanded culture and revision sections in the new edition provide additional activities and practice for students, and further resources for teachers.
Project third edition encourages students to enjoy the process of learning, through updated content and a wealth of materials. It motivates students with engaging texts, topics, and activities across all five levels. The logical structure and clear approach provide a solid base for learning, as the course presents real language in real contexts. Expanded culture and revision sections in the new edition provide additional activities and practice for students, and further resources for teachers.