CAE Practice Tests is a collection of six complete practice tests for the revised Cambridge ESOL Certificate in Advanced English examination (CAE). The tests are presented in the form that students will meet in the examination, and provide thorough, systematic exam preparation and practice. Key Features: The six CAE tests cover the range of topics, vocabulary and structures included in the CAE syllabus. The recorded material on the accompanying audio CDs with instructions, pauses and repeats, provides genuine examination conditions for the Listening Test. The full-colour photographs and illustrations provide excellent visual material for the Speaking Test.
Oxford Discover uses Big Questions such as these to tap into students' natural curiosity. It enables them to ask their own questions, find their own answers, and explore the world around them.
Big Questions linked to school subjects form the basis of every unit Authentic fiction and non-fiction texts on every topic provide different views on the Big Question Video clips provide an introduction to each Big Question, helping students activate prior knowledge
Added by: ALPHAALPHA | Karma: 83.89 | Black Hole | 23 June 2015
Success in Cambridge Writing
Do you want to write a piece of writing such as an essay, review, report, proposal, etc and you don’t know where to start? This two- page document will be the perfect companion to help you do so. Not only will it show you the structure and layout that you are expected to follow, but it will also provide you with an abundance of formal phrases that you can start using straightaway.
The thirteenth edition of this classic dictionary, first published eighty years ago, has been updated throughout, rewritten for clarity and reorganised to make it even easier to use. Henderson's Dictionary of Biology continues to provide an essential reference for students of any of the biological sciences and for teachers and researchers.
This book explores creative writing and its various relationships to education through a number of short, evocative chapters written by key players in the field. At times controversial, the book presents issues, ideas and pedagogic practices related to creative writing in and around education, with a focus on higher education. The volume aims to give the reader a sense of contemporary thinking and to provide some alternative points of view, offering examples of how those involved feel about the relationship between creative writing and education.