1) Level: Beginner ESL Course of Phonetics 2) Start with ‘English Pronunciation Course.doc’ (MsWord 2003) with clickable links to open the related docs (pdf, mp3, mov) divided into units 3) 13 Units (pdf +mp3+mov) with Answer Keys (pdf):
Excellent introduction to Phonetics, Phonology and pronunciation.
This seventh edition has been revised throughout, with particular emphasis on those areas which have seen rapid change in recent years. A new Introduction gives an overview of phonetics, examines the notion of a standard English accent and outlines key concepts in the learning of English as a first language and as an additional language. All the central chapters have been updated, notably by the inclusion of revised articulatory diagrams based on recent MRI scans.
Words at Work – Vocabulary development for Business English
Words at Work offers vocabulary development for learners who want to use English more effectively in their working lives. The study covers a wide variety of business themes and includes useful learning tips. Audio material of listening and pronunciation activities complements the book.
Аудиокурс на проработку произношения. A practical English-language pronunciation program helps those listeners who speak English as a second language or speak American English with regional accents, offering a wide range of useful words, phrases, colloquial expressions, and more.
Get Rid of your Accent is a speech training manual for mastering British English pronunciation. The book is based on a tried and trusted method used in London drama schools for British people with provincial accents to learn standard British English. It includes humourous sentences, tongue twisters, period verses, rhyme exercises, period pictures. Relevant subjects are received pronunciation, elocution and phonetics