No Plot? No Problem!: A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days
Chris Baty, motivator extraordinaire and instigator of a wildly successful writing revolution, spells out the secrets of writing -- and finishing -- a novel. Every fall, thousands of people sign up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which Baty founded, determined to (a) write that novel or (b) finish that novel in -- kid you not -- 30 days. Now Baty puts pen to paper himself to share the secrets of success.
An illustrated magazine for those who study and teach English published in Russia.. On its pages you find information about English-speaking countries, news, music life, short stories, scripts for plays in school theater productions, poetry contests, the texts of popular songs, crosswords and chaynvordy, psychological tests, logic problem, as well as such serious things as samples of job offered admission to entrance examinations. ENGLISH CONTENT ONLY!
Elementary Number Theory: A Problem Oriented Approach
This book is designed so that it may be used in several ways : it can be used for self study, as a guide for tutorially directed work, or as a supplementary text or source of problems for an ordinary first or second course in number theory. The aim of the book is similar to that of Aufgaben und Lehrsatze aus der Analysis by Polya and Szego. ... The book is written by hand in calligraphy by Gregory Maskarinec. A unique presentation.
In I Don't Know What I Want . . . But I Know It's Not This, career consultant Julie Jansen won over readers with the same comforting, clear headed approach that she brings to her many Fortune 500 clients. Now she tackles a problem that affects every working person, regardless of occupation: difficult people
An illustrated magazine for those who study and teach English published in Russia.. On its pages you find information about English-speaking countries, news, music life, short stories, scripts for plays in school theater productions, poetry contests, the texts of popular songs, crosswords and chaynvordy, psychological tests, logic problem, as well as such serious things as samples of job offered admission to entrance examinations. ENGLISH CONTENT ONLY!