Учебник для тех, кто решил сделать карьеру в сфере туризма. Новый, наполненный живым языком курс поможет вам получить необходимые знания языка в этой области. A new, up-to-date course where students learn what they need to know for a career in tourism.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 18 January 2009
A completely rewritten edition of Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers, which is currently in its revised thirty-ninth edition, The Guide to Style has been expanded to encompass modern issues in preparing copy for publication. Hart's Rules is a classic text in printing and publishing houses, and this successor to it is sure to become a classic also. It consists of 16 topic-based chapters giving advice on how to present the written word. It incorporates the most recent changes in citing electronic media, and details on submission of material for publication electronically. The text is full of explanations, examples, and lists on, for example, mathematical symbols, abbreviations and capitalization, and there is exhaustive information for editors on foreign languages and how to present them on the page. There is also advice on how to treat quotations, notes and references, specialist subjects, and indexing.
Heroes is a new three-level course for teenagers which takes them from beginner to intermediate level. Every unit of Heroes is divided into three complete lessons, providing a clear progression from new language to skills work. The MultiROM is an Audio CD and an Interactive CD-ROM
Teaches English as a second language to Spanish speakers through the use of pictures dealing with everyday topics such as the body, post office, law, travel, and family.