The Times Literary Supplement (or TLS, on the front page from 1969) is a weekly literary review published in London by News International, a subsidiary of News Corporation.
TIME Magazine October 29, 2007 Vol. 170 No. 18 • COVER: The Power of Birth Order - Parents insist that how kids turn out depends on when they were born. More and more, science agrees • WORLD: America's Other Army - A furor over the killing of 17 Iraqis by Blackwater contractors puts the spotlight on the little-examined world of private security companies. Who are these guns for hire, and who pays when they mess up?
Вы узнаете много интересного и полезного об истории, географии, культурных традициях и современной жизни Великобритании, США и других англоязычных странах. "School English" расскажет о мировых достижениях науки и техники, искусства и спорта, раскроет перед Вами удивительный мир растений и животных, а также поможет полезными советами о том, как сохранить и поддерживать здоровье. Любители современной западной культуры найдут на страницах издания свежую информацию о звездах музыки и кино.
GEO is a family of educational monthly magazines similar to the National Geographic magazine. It is known for its profound reports, which are accompanied by opulent pictures.
The Times Literary Supplement October 12 2007 No 545
The Times Literary Supplement (or TLS, on the front page from 1969) is a weekly literary review published in London by News International, a subsidiary of News Corporation.