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SFX is the world's leading sci-fi, horror and fantasy magazine. Covering all areas of the genre across TV, movies, books, games, collectables and comics, every month SFX delivers news, features, exclusive Q&As, behind-the-scenes stories, star profiles and TV episode guides.
Wild West Magazine presents the great American frontier from its beginnings to today. America’s western frontier has been a vital part of the country’s myths and reality, from the earliest exploration beyond the territory of the first colonies, to the wide expanses of the western prairies and deserts. Experience the old west and cowboys and Indians from top historical writers. Wild West brings to life the fascinating history, lore and culture of the great American frontier.
Build confidence in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Crown promotes a love of learning English by using engaging texts on teenage life and English-speaking culture from around the World, recycling and practising students’ vocabulary, tenses and grammar, built on a solid syllabus. Regular features include: A Teen’s Guide to British culture; Culture Quiz; Signs you see in Britain; If …..were on Facebook; The CROWN Story.
Build confidence in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Crown promotes a love of learning English by using engaging texts on teenage life and English-speaking culture from around the World, recycling and practising students’ vocabulary, tenses and grammar, built on a solid syllabus. Regular features include: A Teen’s Guide to British culture; Culture Quiz; Signs you see in Britain; If …..were on Facebook; The CROWN Story.